Chamonix Séminaires

Logo Chamonix Séminaires
challenge-into-the-wild - teambuildings

What if you were endorsing the leadership for a Mont-Blanc ascent ? Or going through “survival” workshops to make it to the basecamp ? Our role-play challenges stress on team spirit and collective decision making to achieve a common goal.


Challenge “In the footsteps of the Guides”

Une thématique forte avec des valeurs transférables dus sport à l’entreprise : dépassement de soi, adaptation, détermination…

Couple qui regarde une carte dans la fôret

Nature Challenge

Armed with a map and a compass, teams will scour the forest in search of markers and try to solve the riddles.


Into the wild Challenge winter

This challenge has been specifically designed so that participants get to listen to each other, gather their strength and focus on collective decision-making.
